All Saints' Episcopal Church
Living and Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Spiritual Life Team

The Spiritual Life Team's goal is to encourage worship that is creative and consistent with the Episcopal tradition and to offer opportunities for spiritual growth within and outside the church. This team includes the Rector and members serving the following areas: Lay Ministry, Altar Guild, Music, Acolytes and other Spiritual Events. The Spiritual Life Team meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm. New members are always welcome!

Interested in serving? Contact:

Choir - Judy Priester

Altar Guild - Barbara Robinson

Lay Ministry / Acolyte - Gavin Kenner

Sally Freeman and Judy Milone are the Vestry co-liaisons to the Spiritual Life Team.

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Contact Info

📌 1001 Twelfth Street
Cayce, SC 29033
📞 803-796-5735
📱 803-318-0833
Email Rector
Email Admin

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