All Saints' Episcopal Church
Living and Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ


The music ministry at All Saints' offers an opportunity for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or previous music experience.

The Adult Handbell Choir
plays special music at various times of the year, especially Christmas and Easter. This group meets at various times to rehearse.
The Adult Choir
meets on Wednesday evening at 5:00pm. This choir leads the music for the 10:30am service each Sunday and sings for special events on a regular basis.

All of the choirs are open to anyone with a tuneful voice and a desire to learn. The music at All Saints’ centers around traditional church music, with a variety of styles from chant to classical, to contemporary. Several times a year we have guest instrumentalists providing music, including bagpipe and drum, trumpet, clarinet, violin, and guitar.

The Music Director works with the children to present songs for the Epiphany Pageant each January, and occasional musical pieces during the year. She also teaches a music class each day at Vacation Bible School.

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Contact Info

📌 1001 Twelfth Street
Cayce, SC 29033
📞 803-796-5735
📱 803-318-0833
Email Rector
Email Admin

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